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Psychological Counseling for Executives

Photo: Adam Harrower - Kirstenbosch Centenary canopy tree walk Cape Town


It is never too late to deal with problems or personal insecurities, which one has been carrying with him- or herself for a long time.

Executives are confronted daily with issues, which challenge them in their professional approach, but also as a person and as a personality. This is why managers sometimes feel being thrown back on themselves and confronted with their own behavioral patterns or personal problems.


Executive Counseling offers effective help and support:

Support, Solution guidance, Accompaniment and Coaching


„Finding attention and understanding of another person in a shared conversation can be a very moving experience.”


Concrete support in acute change and stress situations

Such situations are amongst others:


  • Acute personal problems

  • Separation / divorce / loss

  • Difficult life stages and change of life

  • Concrete stress situations

  • Personal challenges at work


For years, I have been able to help people in crises, especially the otherwise strong and successful ones. I walk you through these situations and am fully committed to you.


Find relief and concrete help now in a confiding conversation.


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Solution guidance


Professional psychological support in coping with personal topics and typical patterns

Such psychological woes include amongst others:


  • recurring problems

  • similar behavioral patterns in business and in the private life

  • special burdens such as burn-out or stress

  • change in the emotional state, feeling of emptiness

  • problems in adapting to new situations


As a psychological consultant I know such problem situations and the relating burdens in the leadership context.


Take the first step today on your journey to coping.


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„Before change courage is required to look closely – there, where it feels rather uncomfortable, we feel ourselves weak or wrong. Herein lies the actual power for positive change.”


Trustful accompaniment in the process of personal evolvement

Such development challenges are amongst others:


  • Identity and self-esteem issues

  • Increasing mindfulness and self-awareness

  • Desired personality development

  • Unfolding of resources and talents

  • Reflection of own development on the path of life


For executives it is important to have a professional counterpart on such a way, who understands the personal demands in leadership positions.


Start your own journey with a non-binding initial dialogue.


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Support      Solution guidance      Coaching






Caroline Cerar - Executive counselor & Coach

The coaching services:

You wish further information on the coaching services?

Please get in touch here!

  • Regular coachings

  • Onlineccoachings

  • Personal off-sites




Shared reflection and guidance to problem solution and reorientation

Such problems and concerns can be amongst others:


  • Concrete business problems

  • Specific problems in the leadership context

  • Check of career status and reorientation

  • Adoption of a new position

  • Personal development as a leader


Coaching offers a way to actively address these questions and problems in a targeted manner and develop new potentials, solutions and objectives for oneself.


Ask now for specific support in dealing with these questions.


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